Inaugural Event
On September 15, 2023, we held our inaugural event meeting with approximately 50 participants, most of them in person, and 15 online participants. Community leader and activist Orla Egan facilitated this session. Our focus was on establishing a community of practice for Trans/Actions that would serve the needs of the community and provide inclusive means for engagement and decision-making. In-person attendees formed groups to discuss some key aspects, and virtual participants contributed via an online Padlet. Key ideas from the discussion were categorized into: challenges faced when engaging/promoting engagement with the project; supports that could help engagement; how to create an inclusive space; who is not here; aims and objectives of the community of practice; rules, collaboration, and communication within the community. More details of the insights can be found HERE.
Graphic harvesting of the outcomes from this event was carried out by Megan Luddy: